Estilo de vida

6 Books for new fathers

Waiting for the arrival of our baby is full of joy and enthusiasm, but also of many doubts in which the question “will I be a good father?” spins around us over and over. No one is born knowing how to be a parent. These books for new parents will help you in this new stage.

Facing fatherhood can be terrifying, since we will support a life that will depend on us, we want to be perfect, or at least we do not want to repeat what we don’t like about our own parents.

Nobody is perfect, but we can give our best to that little one who is on the way. This selection of books for new fathers, which we have made for you, will guide you in your introduction to fatherhood.

We recommend: Newborn: basic care

Guía del papá primerizo, by Jonas Weidner (First–Time Dad)

How can I lose the fear of being a father? How can I build a bond with my baby? These are some of the questions that this book tries to decipher, it will also try to guide you to reconcile your new facet as a father with other areas of your life, such as work, your partner and sexuality. Publisher: Books on Demand

This book addresses different questions that dads ask themselves. Photo: Editorial Books on Demand

Qué se puede esperar, el primer año, by Heidi Murkoff (What to Expect, the First Year)

Each chapter corresponds to the first months of your baby’s age; this book will guide you on basic newborn care, crib safety, breastfeeding, sleep, and even provides topics such as effective and ecological parenting (changing the use of disposable diapers for cloth diapers). Publisher: Planeta

Basic baby care and effective parenting issues are some of its contents Photo: Editorial Planeta

Mi recién nacido: La guía definitiva y más completa de ayuda a padres ante el nacimiento del bebé, by Pedro Camacho (My newborn: The definitive and most complete guide to help parents before the birth of the baby)

This book is written by a Neonatology nurse at the hospital Ntra. Sra. del Prado de Talavera de la Reina, in Madrid, Spain; he advises new parents on issues such as colic treatment in nursing babies, cleaning the umbilical cord and the nose, among others; these topics are explained with illustrations. Publisher: Pedro Felipe Camacho Garcia.

This book provides basic tips for baby care Photo: Taken from Amazon

Don’t miss: Should I bathe my baby every day?

El factor papá: Un libro sencillo y revelador que deberían leer todos los padres, by Richard Fletcher (The Dad Factor: A Simple and Insightful Book Every Dad Should Read)

The importance of the father being involved in his baby’s life from the time of pregnancy is the central theme of this book. The author delves into the benefits for the emotional and mental development of his son, of having a close relationship with his father. Publisher: Sirio

The importance of the father in the life of his child is the central axis of this book. Photo: Editorial Sirio

Guía urgente del padre primerizo, by Rafael Esteve Lloret (Urgent Guide for the First–Time Father)

Through illustrated pages, the author recounts his personal experiences and gives advice to new fathers, with a touch of humor and irony, to face this new stage. The book covers different situations in daily life, from the difficulties of sleeping the newborn, to the couple’s relationship. Publisher: Larousse

Through the illustrations, the author tells his experience as a father Photo: Editorial Larousse

You may be interested: How to care baby’s skin in winter

Padre no hay más que uno… y ese soy yo: Anécdotas de cómo ser padre te cambia la vida, by Óscar Martínez (There is only one father… and that’s me: Anecdotes of how being a father changes your life)

The television presenter in Spain narrates his experiences becoming a father and how his life changed completely. Martínez says that, although men are usually afraid of everything that represents a commitment, embarking on the adventure of being a father is absolutely worthwhile. Publisher: Grijalbo

The Spanish presenter tells his experiences as a first-time father Photo: Editorial Grijalbo

We hope that this selection of books be a support for this new stage. What did you think?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

Related notes: 8 Basic Tips for Baby Skin Care Recovery after childbirth: how long does it take? How to take care of me? Diaper scrapes: how to cure and prevent them

Astrid Rivera Reynoso

Publicado por
Astrid Rivera Reynoso

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