
Personal finance tips for moms

Being a mom is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to us women. The arrival of a new member to the family will change our routine and impact our finances. Here are some tips on how to take care of our finances.

  1. If employed, talk to your employer’s HR department. Check what the maternity policies are, the sick leave days you are covered, whether there is a cap on the salary you will receive during your maternity leave, and what additional benefits or supports are available in your company. This way, you will have all the documents ready at the time of your baby’s arrival.
  2. Host a diaper baby shower. It will allow you to have a stock of the products you use the most within the first years of your baby’s life as a gift from those close to you.
  3. A baby practically doubles his size during the first year of life. Always buy clothes one size larger so you can maximize the use of each garment.
  4. Feeding products for newborns are expensive. In addition to being a unique instance to connect and establish a bond with your baby, breastfeeding allows you to take care of your pocket and helps you recover your physical condition.

Reduce, recycle and reuse. Get organized and prepare healthy meals at home for your baby, which will allow you to reduce the consumption of prepared foods and give them a healthy option. Save and store your baby’s clothes that are too small. You can use them if you have more children, donate, or give them away, positively impacting the finances of your circle and the environment.

Ceci Jiménez – Women in Finance

It is a non-profit foundation that seeks to promote women’s professional development and empowerment in the industry, aiming to increase the number of women in leadership positions in the financial sector through three pillars: impact, resources, and networking. https://mujeresenfinanzas.mx

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: here

Luz Carmen Meraz Arteaga

Publicado por
Luz Carmen Meraz Arteaga

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